Apply Discount
- Go to the shopping bag and scroll down to Discounts & Benefits section
- Click on Manage discount codes
- Enter your valid voucher code into the text field and hit the Apply button
- If your voucher is valid we will apply it and immediately reduce the price in the shopping cart.
Remove/Edit Discount
- Click on Manage discount codes under the applied discount
- From here you can remove the discount by clicking on Remove this code
- Now you can type in your new one and apply it 😊
Apply Discount
- Go to the shopping bag and scroll down to Discounts & Benefits section
- Click on Manage discount codes
- Enter your valid voucher code into the text field and hit the Redeem button
- If your voucher is valid we will apply it and immediately reduce the price in the shopping cart.
Remove/Edit Discount
- Click on Manage discount codes under the applied discount
- From here you can remove the discount by clicking on Remove this code
- Now you can type in your new one and apply it 😊
What if my voucher doesn’t work?
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