During the ordering process, YOU are responsible for...
- All content is displayed in the product preview and shows exactly the way we will print the product, including the title of the book printed on the cover and spine, cover style, inscription (if added), texts, photos, stickers, flight and weather elements.
- The choice of the article includes book format/size, cover type (hard cover, soft cover or layflat) and paper type (glossy or matt)
- Providing us with fully uploaded photos - if a photo is not uploaded properly, we warn you that the photo(s) couldn’t be uploaded and lead you back to the draft (find more here Upload problems)
- Providing us with a correct and complete delivery address : if you provides us with an incorrect or incomplete address, missing crucial information to ensure a delivery of the ordered goods, a successful delivery cannot be guaranteed, falling under your responsibility.
- Ordering articles - in case of any unintentional orders, you have the option to cancel your order via our mobile apps for up to 4 hours. After that, the order will go straight into production and it is not possible to cancel or edit the order anymore and it will not be refunded or reimbursed.
- The activation of a premium subscription - the payment and subscription itself is handled by either the AppStore or Google Play Store, who are providing the handling. Subscriptions will be automatically renewed, if not canceled in time.
Please note:
We do not print any other elements or layouts than the ones you have chosen. We do not make any changes to your order, what you see in your preview is what will be printed!
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