Do you love Journi as much as we do and want to show it?
We really appreciate your help in becoming the best app, please support us with a 5⭐️ rating and a review!
With your iPhone and iPad:
- Open the App Store and search for Journi or just click on this link
- Click on the app to open the info site of the app
- Scroll down
- Rate Journi and write a review
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On your Android phone and tablet
- Open the Play Store and search for Journi or just click on this link
- Click on the app to open the info site of the app
- Scroll down
- Underneath “Rate this app” give your star rating
- Click submit
- Write a review
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- Click on this link
- Click on Submit assessment and submit your review
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Thank you, this means the world to us and helps others to find our app a lot easier. ❤️
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