Stamps can only be generated if your pictures include location metadata. For more details on picture metadata, refer to our article on maps: Why do i not get maps & how to add them?.
The stamps and country names are directly linked. First, ensure stamps are included in your settings:
Instructions for iOs and Android devices
1. Open your draft
2. Click on the purple icon in the bottom left corner
3. Click on "Pages & Elements"
4. Confirm if "Stamps" is added; if not, click on 'Add'
Instructions for web version
1. Open your draft
2. Click on "Map & Stats" on the left hand side
3. Check if "Stamps" is enabled; if not, enable them
If stamps are added in the settings, but don't appear in your photo book while the country titles are still there, please click on "Remove" and then again "Add".
Here's a quick guide to help you remove both stamps and country names. Please make sure to remove the stamps one by one:
1. Click on the stamp
2. Click on 'Remove'
3. Repeat this process for other stamps until you achieve a clean title page
Voila! 🎉 You've successfully removed stamps and country titles to create the desired aesthetic for your photo book.
If you wish to reapply the stamps, feel free to do so! Simply follow these steps:
1. If you removed Stamps from the "Pages & Elements", then click on the purple icon in the bottom left corner
2. Click on "Pages & Elements"
3. Find "Stamps" and click on 'Add'
If you removed specific stamps and want to add them back, follow this flow:
1. Click on the page with stamps
2. Click on "Removed Elements" in the bottom bar
3. Click on the stamp that you'd like to add back
Once you've added the stamps, you'll notice the country names reappear as well!
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